[Spacetalk] http://www.nasa.gov/
Gabrielle, George F. (KSC-ISC-4011)[URS Federal Technical Services, Inc.]
george.f.gabrielle at nasa.gov
Fri Sep 19 07:52:58 CDT 2014
Good morning all,
Another week has flown by, at least for me...it is still very warm here but we can feel a little change in the nights as well as so much less day light. Still so fortunate to live in Florida, especially swimming in an outdoor pool year round....I hope you have had a good week and will enjoy the weekend to do whatever you like best...we have to remember to always do our best, enjoy what we do, live in the present, make each day special, smile & have fun, Gabe
Science, RapidScat, 3-D Printer to Launch to ISS
SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft is scheduled to launch to the International Space Station on Sat., Sept. 20, carrying supplies, investigations, a 3-D printer, and NASA's ISS-RapidScat mission.
> Five Things About NASA's ISS-RapidScat<http://www.nasa.gov/jpl/rapidscat/five-things-about-nasas-iss-rapidscat/>
> 3-D Printer Headed to Space Station<http://www.nasa.gov/content/3d-printer-headed-to-space-station/>
> Fruit Flies Orbit Earth for Science<http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/news/AFEx/>
> CASIS Research Set For Launch<http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/news/casis_spacex4/index.html>
> Kennedy Preps Seeds for Flight to Station<http://www.nasa.gov/content/kennedy-preps-seeds-for-flight-to-station/>
> NASA Ames to Launch Science Experiments<http://www.nasa.gov/ames/nasa-ames-to-launch-science-experiments-to-space-station-on-spacex-rocket/>
Mars Spacecraft Ready for Sept. 21 Orbit Insertion
NASA's Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) spacecraft is nearing its scheduled Sept. 21 insertion into Martian orbit after completing a 10-month interplanetary journey of 442 million miles. Flight Controllers at Lockheed Martin Space Systems will be responsible for the health and safety of the spacecraft throughout the process. The mission timeline will place the spacecraft in orbit at approximately 9:50 p.m. EDT. The orbit-insertion maneuver will begin with the firing of six small thruster engines to steady the spacecraft.
Science, RapidScat, 3-D Printer to Launch to ISS
SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft is scheduled to launch to the International Space Station on Sat., Sept. 20, carrying supplies, investigations, a 3-D printer, and NASA's ISS-RapidScat mission.
> Five Things About NASA's ISS-RapidScat<http://www.nasa.gov/jpl/rapidscat/five-things-about-nasas-iss-rapidscat/>
> 3-D Printer Headed to Space Station<http://www.nasa.gov/content/3d-printer-headed-to-space-station/>
> Fruit Flies Orbit Earth for Science<http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/news/AFEx/>
> CASIS Research Set For Launch<http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/news/casis_spacex4/index.html>
> Kennedy Preps Seeds for Flight to Station<http://www.nasa.gov/content/kennedy-preps-seeds-for-flight-to-station/>
> NASA Ames to Launch Science Experiments<http://www.nasa.gov/ames/nasa-ames-to-launch-science-experiments-to-space-station-on-spacex-rocket/>
Mars Spacecraft Ready for Sept. 21 Orbit Insertion
NASA's Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) spacecraft is nearing its scheduled Sept. 21 insertion into Martian orbit after completing a 10-month interplanetary journey of 442 million miles. Flight Controllers at Lockheed Martin Space Systems will be responsible for the health and safety of the spacecraft throughout the process. The mission timeline will place the spacecraft in orbit at approximately 9:50 p.m. EDT. The orbit-insertion maneuver will begin with the firing of six small thruster engines to steady the spacecraft.
Station Crew Trains to Capture SpaceX Dragon
While they await next week's launch of the other half of their crew to the International Space Station, Expedition 41 Commander Max Suraev and Flight Engineers Reid Wiseman and Alexander Gerst focused Wednesday on health checks, cargo operations and robotic practice for the capture of the SpaceX Dragon resupply ship set to launch Saturday. Dragon is scheduled to launch from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla. at 2:16 a.m. EDT, Saturday, Sept. 20. NASA TV coverage of launch activities begins at 1:15 a.m. EDT.
This was forwarded by a good friend, Amy, to share with you:
[https://u.ph.edim.co/0ad5/4372964_1_140.png] Space Foundation<https://rdr.edmodo.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> to Teacher Liaisons<https://rdr.edmodo.com/rlWwMFV6ZvjvMPV6VzIxoJ9xol5wo20vYPWxpvV6ZGDkZQVkZGN5BPjvMUZvBwR0ZGNlZGRkZGVfVzImVwbvVR5iqTHvYPWyqPV6Vx5iqTyznJAuqTyioaAFMKAjo25mnKMyAF1Bo3EyVvjvMaDvBwR0YPWcnFV6VwV5AGt5ZwDkZlVfVzy0VwbkBPjvoJDvBafvLJW0Vwc7VaEhVwbvMJ1unJksqJysp3ElMJSgK25iqTHvYPW0qvV6VaMupwRvYPW0owVvBvWho3EcMzywLKEco25mK3A1LzcyL3EsoTyhMFVfVaE2ZvV6VaA1LwHvsK0fVaOeVwbvZGNhAmphZP4kAS8kAQRjZwRkZGRlKmLlAQWsAGDjMGSxZwt5ZzD2MPVfVaEyVwbvZGH2BQp1AwpvYPW0nFV6VwDjAwV4ZwxmVvjvqUDvBwRfVaHvBvWyMT1iMT8hL29gKP9bo21yV1jiM3WiqKN_nJD9AGtmBQZ3AlVfVzZvBvWvVa0>:
Passing information along about educator resources from NASA
Greetings colleagues,
It may not 'feel' like fall, but teachers' interests and activities are very much in gear. I want to share several new opportunities that may interest you and/or your educator clients.
* AIAA (American Institute for Aeronautics & Astronautics) and Challenger Center are again offering several $500 grants for K-12 teachers to secure programs and supplies for STEM engagement. Proposals are due October 3, 2014; the flyer is attached above.
* For competitive university faculty, staff, and students: you already know that it's not enough to apply your best team skills to engineering, innovation, or other contests; you have to have $$ for building materials and travel to events. NASA's MICI (Minority Innovation Challenges Institute) is offering a free webinar to give you all the best ways to raise funds! Sign up -and pass it along - to attend next week's (9/10) session; the flyer is attached above.
* Last but certainly not least: the next Sally Ride EarthKAM mission is coming up October 21-25, followed by another November 18-21! There's plenty of time for teachers to sign up and present the lessons for their students to engage in the most absorbing, meaningful, educationally fun activity ever: http://earthkam.ucsd.edu/.
E. Elaine Lapka
Johnson Space Center's Educator Resource Center
At Space Center Houston
1601 NASA Parkway
Houston, TX 77058
SWE-SC Presents 'Wow! That's Engineering' Workshop
Girls can become engineers, too! This workshop will provide girls in 7th to 10th grades with opportunities to do fun hands-on experiments related to several different engineering career fields. They also will be able to find out what different types of engineers do and will meet women engineers who will talk about how they became engineers. The Society of Women Engineers, Space Coast Section, also needs volunteers to help with modules and other activities the day of the event.
When: Saturday, Sept. 27, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Where: Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy, 5625 Holy Trinity Drive, Melbourne
The cost is $25 and includes lunch, drink, snack, shirt and supplies. Registration is open at http://www.swe-sc.org/WOW for both students and volunteers. Student registrations must be postmarked by Wednesday, Sept. 17. (Registration may close earlier if we reach our maximum capacity.)
POC: Adia Griffin, wowvolunteers at swe-sc.org<mailto:wowvolunteers at swe-sc.org> or outreach at swe-sc.org<mailto:outreach at swe-sc.org>
Think Global Flight
Sept 22 @ 7:00 PM EASTERN
CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE BROADCAST <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Q7rr8f3vIZ9Mfrlitp8Omip7F7VXic_tPuXi0D6pHGSFQOvhaKm_mQrK0wQcjDWgIedE1YGIrorzQHrrokEu0oNDDzJjj72BNG4PYMjXJ9u3VwivLy2P6HZAT1-6e5fHWr9VruifJ4GAUJ3MbincstAyhnXN2pRzT7F2Ixo9DJFQbBfRqknBJ2UGQJWMrikBuB_l-UxYPLc=&c=ID-2ILgwXTtf_o28GP2ujrOG49EFhQ-MjkUgPmuk9Ht49bHKXK7y6Q==&ch=STHgJ0v-1evn83oHuz827vU_d-k05YObDLx1pLBA2y5-xkLBME_h2w==>
JOIN Think Global Flight as they share the exciting news of their June 15, 2015 departure in the Citation Mustang donated by Ardwin Freight.
Captain Judy will share her upcoming multi-engine training beginning this fall followed by type-rating. Navigator Fred will share the intended route. Special guest, Ardwin Freight President Edwin Sahakian will share information about the Citation Mustang.
Think Global Flight, an around the world flight of adventure promoting education and inspiring students; reaching over 20,000 students in 25 countries and 31 U.S. States; recognized by the FAA and U.S. Department of Education for real world application to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S.T.E.M.); Tax deductible, non profit, 501c3, all donations go toward either the flight or education
Citation Mustang: Capt Judy & Ardwin Freight President, Edwin Sahakian
REMINDER: Lightspeed Aviation Foundation Grant: VOTE NOW<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Q7rr8f3vIZ9Mfrlitp8Omip7F7VXic_tPuXi0D6pHGSFQOvhaKm_mRSLe0P5-VAX0xwcSNzon5BmDx8XCXqv1DPUrE0VQnBFC7qg_j_hZ8-RH918TWSAyx3--Obzg5jGjLk9XU1ppeCYK1JYfu1-s6SpCX-ZPMszzmgbW20xxfPI7Izk4E_jqeUK4r3jA_DGeKLDTlO5IjLabR1Pguq8ZzZZ67ND35qFFO0noybnA9pHlyk56OVEZChSzSNKxek15_b7U2GHtikEKqOB6aEiVT8PIHBv_iKpxgal9eU7rjw=&c=ID-2ILgwXTtf_o28GP2ujrOG49EFhQ-MjkUgPmuk9Ht49bHKXK7y6Q==&ch=STHgJ0v-1evn83oHuz827vU_d-k05YObDLx1pLBA2y5-xkLBME_h2w==>
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