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Browser Fixes
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This file uses CSS filtering methods to fix various
layout bugs.
Each of the following three imported files is a
separate, browser-specific CSS file that keeps all
hacks out of the main style sheet.
Over time, as supporting these browsers no longer
remains a priority, cleaning up the hacks is as
easy as deleting the @import statement below, or
simply no longer linking this file from the HTML.
fix ie6 "peekaboo bug" using the "holly hack".
Note, this style only gets applied to ie6
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Base CSS
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Type Scheme: Deco
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-- -- -- -- -- -- --
STYLE: Solitude
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
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/* ie5mac */
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STYLE: Solitude (olive)
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<strong>"Awesome" doesn't begin to describe it. Every galaxy in the image is in its proper distance as viewed from the telescope line of sight.
<br>Also see <a href="http://www.flixxy.com/hubble-deep-field.htm">Hubble Deep Field</a>
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