[Spacetalk] https://www.nasa.gov/index.html; https://spaceflightnow.com; https://www.jpl.nasa.gov

Gabe gabe at educatemotivate.com
Fri Apr 28 09:14:01 CDT 2023

Hi all,

  I’m on a flight to Brazil... Rio de Janeiro, Campos dos Goytacazes, Santa Maria Madalena, Criciúma, Içara, Macapa, & São Paulo…it is my first International trip of the year…I actually had trips planned every month but for various reasons they all were postponed…I tried to limit trips to 2 weeks and give myself more time at home, so many projects awaiting but this is almost 4 weeks…I’ve often said my favorite country is always the country I’m in because I only focus on where I am and enjoy every minute…Norway really launched my international speaking career but Brazil skyrocketed it to a level that is beyond my icomprehensionn…the main reason it going to other countries I only focus on schools….it is the same in Brazil but I have three avenues of reaching the kids…I believe this is my 27th trip to Brazil, been to well over a hundred cities, visited hundreds of schools, and it has been so very special. 
  I’m also dealing with some physical limitations due to knee issues which makes it a challenge to get around…on these trips, they are full speed every day, going from school to school, city to city, many long drives and long flights…it is critical to be able to get around quickly to stay up with all the events…I started this news letter about 17 years ago…it was a few friends sharing the magic of NASA and Kennedy Space Center…it is amazing that it now has around 1400 members in about 18 countries….I know some of you are still with me from the beginning…over this time, no matter what happened in my life, I’ve always share it…surgeries, cancer, car wrecks, major back and neck injuries…just life and the challenges it presents…the goal has always been the same…stay positive, be thankful, and keep smiling…so often you would share it with the kids and I would get so many sweet well wishes…how can I not feel so fortunate…

 The Space Program continues to grow…at KSC there are launches every week, sometime 2 a week, sometimes 2 a day…it is wonderful…it never gets old…the most fun is sharing it with some of you who visit and we get to see a launch…today was amazing as Space X launched its Mega rocket for the first time…try to imagine, the NASA Artemis mission with the SLS rocket, the most powerful rocket ever launched just last year….the Space X rocket is more than twice as powerful…it was in Texas so we did not see it live but watched with millions of others as the countdown went to zero….the engines fired….it seemed like it took forever to lift off….there were so much flames I thought it was burning up on the pad but it did launch and everything went well until separation of the ship from the rocket…this did not happen….it started tumbling and had to be destroyed….

It is now Wednesday, as so often happens, I start this with the intention of finishing it but get side tracked…so we will try today….I am on my way to a school, my fifth one, it has been amazing…the kids are so wonderful…I always say, I can not explain it but I feel it…AND LOVE IT…it pushes me to do more…today is Friday…I will get this to you…

We have to stay positive and always be thankful… remembering to do our best, enjoy everything we do, believe in ourselves, and let those we care about most know (I always say this, we all need to take it to heart…hugs and smiles. STAY SAFE, TAKE CARE, Love ya, Gabe

To see the ISS from your home: https://spotthestation.nasa.gov/

SpaceX launches largest rocket ever built, but test flight ends in explosion <https://spaceflightnow.com/2023/04/20/spacex-launches-largest-rocket-ever-built-but-test-flight-ends-in-explosion/>
April 20, 2023 <https://spaceflightnow.com/2023/04/>
After years of anticipation, SpaceX launched the first test flight of its full-scale Starship rocket Thursday from South Texas, but the mission ended four minutes later as the vehicle veered out of control and self-destructed over the Gulf of Mexico following multiple engine failures.
Watch SpaceX's uncrewed Starship explode shortly after liftoff | CNN Business


Initially, the historic first test flight of Starship appeared to be going smoothly. The rocket blasted off from the launchpad in South Texas and roared 24.2 miles over the Gulf of Mexico. When it was time for the rocket boosters to separate from the spacecraft, the entire stack lost some of its engines and began to tumble before the flight termination system triggered a midair explosion. Musk and SpaceX regard the test as successful because it completed a number of objectives for a vehicle that could carry astronauts to the moon or Mars one day.But the company will have to work through challenges to achieve significant milestones <https://e.newsletters.cnn.com/click?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> before Musk's vision becomes a reality.

Hubble Celebrates 33rd Anniversary With a Peek Into Nearby Star-Forming Region
Astronomers are celebrating NASA's Hubble Space Telescope <https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/hubble/main/index.html>'s 33rd launch anniversary with an ethereal photo of a nearby star-forming region, NGC 1333. The nebula is in the Perseus molecular cloud, and located approximately 960 light-years away.

Hubble's colorful view, showcased through its unique capability to obtain images from ultraviolet to near-infrared light, unveils an effervescent cauldron of glowing gasses and pitch-black dust stirred up and blown around by several hundred newly forming stars embedded within the dark cloud. Hubble just scratches the surface because most of the star birthing firestorm is hidden behind clouds of fine dust – essentially soot – that are thicker toward the bottom of the image. The blackness in the image is not empty space, but filled with obscuring dust.

To capture this image, Hubble peered through a veil of dust on the edge of a giant cloud of cold molecular hydrogen – the raw material for fabricating new stars and planets under the relentless pull of gravity. The image underscores the fact that star formation is a messy process in our rambunctious universe.

Ferocious stellar winds, likely from the bright blue star at the top of the image, are blowing through a curtain of dust. The fine dust scatters the starlight at blue wavelengths.

Farther down, another bright, super-hot star shines through filaments of obscuring dust, looking like the Sun shining through scattered clouds. A diagonal string of fainter accompanying stars looks reddish because dust is filtering starlight, allowing more of the red light to get through.

The bottom of the picture presents a keyhole peek deep into the dark nebula. Hubble captures the reddish glow of ionized hydrogen. It looks like a fireworks finale, with several overlapping events. This is caused by pencil-thin jets shooting out from newly forming stars outside the frame of view. These stars are surrounded by circumstellar disks, which may eventually produce planetary systems, and powerful magnetic fields that direct two parallel beams of hot gas deep into space, like a double light saber from science fiction films. They sculpt patterns on the hydrogen cocoon, like laser-light-show tracings. The jets are a star's birth announcement.

This view offers an example of the time when our Sun and planets formed inside such a dusty molecular cloud, 4.6 billion years ago. Our Sun didn't form in isolation but was instead embedded inside a mosh pit of frantic stellar birth, perhaps even more energetic and massive than NGC 1333.

Hubble was deployed into orbit around Earth on April 25, 1990, by NASA astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery. To date, the legendary telescope has taken approximately 1.6 million observations of nearly 52,000 celestial targets. This treasure trove of knowledge about the universe is stored for public access in the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes <https://archive.stsci.edu/>, at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland.

1st-ever image of a black hole blasting out a powerful jet
(R.-S. Lu (SHAO), E. Ros (MPIfR), S. Dagnello (NRAO/AUI/NSF))
The jet is flowing from the monstrous supermassive black hole at the heart of Messier 87, which was also the first black hole ever directly imaged.
 Full Story: Space <https://r.smartbrief.com/resp/qJdeCKojllDwbZwyCifPauBWcNxceP?format=multipart> (4/26) 

SpaceX Starship launch under FAA investigation
(Patrick Fallon/AFP via Getty Images)
SpaceX's Starship has been grounded by the U.S. government following claims that the rocket's explosive first launch spread plumes of potentially hazardous debris over homes and the habitats of endangered animals.
 Full Story: Space <https://r.smartbrief.com/resp/qJdeCKojllDwbZwzCifPauBWcNDqkE?format=multipart> (4/26) 

𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐊𝐮𝐡𝐫 | 𝘞𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘵 𝘚𝘱𝘢𝘤𝘦𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘣𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘗𝘢𝘺𝘭𝘰𝘢𝘥, 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘴𝘱𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘵 𝘈𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘉𝘢𝘯𝘬 
 <https://link.mail.beehiiv.com/ss/c/8HUjlswrJUmXEQkJOHUfnrNHOoy6a-Y-DFHPoFzMMUXL1suP_Pn3KWBvlkUMSLuwCS2cx6xCae2Ur8_-9p9KqwlZFqP8VOxXPU8OtF1GUImVb0s5ICmpsZffUIQHbv8HdGqd0qQkYtjiDTd2PrpHdTy0K5ONqFcnVWlc5pz73gwilB6mhapSRt9kZJq8uebvwjRXI8at_KYdinxAt2CY-Ih_2Bmq1_YczkMB7ry1xGzKAPsdVWGnDcV54HcS98i4UVPK1S4JiDsIII3QGC3DkxeSlBOsjHRv4Dkwau0V9_8/3vn/x7B2ZlzORsWgxBiXFUkrjw/h1/dK1jwflGgYCUWwxOtpu1mIxrSIsLc6zt_jXmWbRzL4I>	 	 <https://link.mail.beehiiv.com/ss/c/Cl5No8scGXH6IlAaqz_CmcM7VqrzP_5lbeusBZbI6l1SGK4-MB_fPfSwxAlQRRNChdq0NA63ann-G-Y-hSP7fsu0dXX2fWvfC1noIY2lw8fHN3sHCxieeEOwcz10vjWUUnuyBoW1697JS-F2HUCGKuj_IAFMTa8a8L6V-qVwMuofXWyqyX0o8PiX0PBBCfwTaJuPFeh4Bh9YNbue6i2ZBHQfNScun9NAZsp_84HMzeKolwVMQCLYycoIAyTBaNXqWNn1Hm7lwVPDjH4FB7hqbg/3vn/x7B2ZlzORsWgxBiXFUkrjw/h2/k4fXgZMxDsQky_mBlIyu-vwq-jaAsRht5uMIcCLfhEY>	 	 <https://link.mail.beehiiv.com/ss/c/8HUjlswrJUmXEQkJOHUfnpLodVBW1OosQILbYR5FMwSm0uS4tZgTUlOX3lc4-IhXvFXoCLdot9uHPwr-j5XSgh1DtMWlEAcqLtt-f4yv-yYYVxs0DBdQK2GIFmfPsgd-5HsIEZPxZ5n_TGk_11VhM1D_5Y6zQG1WFVp7sUg9ctW-l6u4T_QVqo75USXvMQaQea6w-ySXLUr9ziiIU1lITApCkTV8wEGm2FqT1BbyMUqaDQOY4IpFbKZR4foDKmF87-3kVldmPJJ8erzO7xiykxwEobgtUZCl8lU2uRAYI0Y/3vn/x7B2ZlzORsWgxBiXFUkrjw/h3/Xmz22MuxHsfKkXkZYYcj38JHFClYFlJnGUMJE_KM4Nk>	 	 <mailto:?subject=Post%20from%20SpaceProbe&body=Starship%20Behind%20the%20Scenes%3A%20%0A%0Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.spaceprobe.com%2Fp%2Fbehind-the-scenes-starship>

This is a weekly newsletter about innovation in space. To receive SpaceProbe in your inbox each week, subscribe here <https://link.mail.beehiiv.com/ss/c/8HUjlswrJUmXEQkJOHUfniciLFmc099uzTIzGJlNrBMPsZl8NSoMgye8ExEHTW6x6lf_w_jd5Fh2nY-Jx2ZAcZhYnO1Mx-dbPTe4gxq8g71jJCdLic8sLN1Z2WEDjwLjL6kJafpAgm5yTGWE1OsMyaL-c-wWovp4Rzt7s6jhwK1UsYAyiyZOGgjOG50g546hr9B3Tsan4aFGMV-HOwGgDQ/3vn/x7B2ZlzORsWgxBiXFUkrjw/h4/hrgoRevmaIPdK9pGl5JDSfwGtAQhtAeCe7T2t9WfoUg>. To follow on Twitter: here <https://link.mail.beehiiv.com/ss/c/Cl5No8scGXH6IlAaqz_Cmeo1Pnjv_dPPzJ6xzUuaAODD4nyq_NFRjEShB2BgP_FnggmqDGV8e7d-0n4p0gqToacMAmVKfSDXeuTl8sXH4ABVgmysUP1vtf3N-71aGkVSjeW971ULPTKcMgJ94XSNmgZbUJ7m36ESgX2bWlLP6yuzS0LQVIAtRDz5EbpnYYRW/3vn/x7B2ZlzORsWgxBiXFUkrjw/h5/LgALBsnnCDeib7-39Y_39DvJkrg6WPmk53raevMFJjA>.
Hi Everyone 👋! 
SpaceX launched Starship on its maiden voyage last Thursday. The mega-rocket soared to 39km, clearing max atmospheric pressure before ending in a good-ole fashion rocket-go-boom. The flight exceeded SpaceX’s expectations. 
Reaching orbit was always a slim proposition. Any launch that clocked in significant airtime would have been considered a success. 
The purpose of the launch was to gather data for future tests. 
Starship Launch
The recurring theme that insiders told me during my week in Boca Chica, TX, was that this specific Starship prototype (SN 24 / Booster 7) was considered “old” and contained a number of outdated technologies. SpaceX was eager to launch the vehicle and move on to 2 new and improved Starship prototypes waiting in the wings. 
The biggest issue: The most pressing concern post-launch is that Starship absolutely demolished its launch pad. The first 10 seconds of engine firing sent concrete debris flying, and caused sand to rain down on a town 6 miles away. It’s possible that the FAA will open up a long investigation, delaying a second launch attempt. 
Two sides to the story: Another big story of the day was the difference in how the media reported the launch. Space media cheered it as a success, and non-space media called it a resounding failure. 
Space Media: Starship Lifts Off in Historic Launch, Clearing Max Q Before Exploding Midair 
Everyone else: Starship exploded shortly after lift-off 
This resulted in an odd dynamic where I received 20+ condolence messages from friends and family—and yet, I was smiling ear to ear on the 7-hour drive back to Austin. 
I spent a week at Starbase covering the launch. Today’s article is a behind-the-scenes look. 
Behind-the-Scenes Starbase:

The energy in Boca Chica felt like everything I imagined the old Apollo-day launches would have been like in the 1960s. Tens of thousands of people flying in to get a glimpse of the future. To see the beginning of a new spacefaring era. To view a 400 ft rocket that looked more like a Sci-Fi ship than our current fleet of spacecrafts. 
Starbase: The amazing thing about Starship’s home, Starbase, is that there is minimal security and absolutely no fencing. You can walk within 50 yards of the rocket. The only reason people didn’t get closer was because a couple of poles were scattered about and seemed to designate a perimeter. 
I wrote that last paragraph sitting here: 

Me writing this article
Hard to beat that WFH setup. 
Being that close to the rocket provided an incredible sense of scale. It is a head-craning, dizzying, mind-bogglingly kind of tall. I grew up in New York City and have seen my fair share of skyscrapers, just none that could fly. 
The launch week was like Woodstock for space nerds. Everyone camped out where ever they could. The only thing anyone wanted to talk about was space. No conversations on money or politics, just rocket science, the future of space travel, and our place amongst the stars. 

Launch Day
On launch day, tens of thousands of people gathered on South Padre beach, which is located 4.5 miles away from the rocket - just outside the “your face will get blown off” zone. When the countdown hit zero, we felt a blast similar to a massive firework continuing for 4 minutes straight. 
Then…Starship began cartwheeling. Even from 40 km below, we could see a rocket, taller than the Statue of Liberty, somersaulting midair. While a flipping rocket was fun to see, it eventually became too dangerous, and SpaceX hit the self-destruct button, leaving people hooting and hollering as we all just witnessed the beginning of the Starship generation.
These four astronauts were selected to be part of the historic Artemis II mission to the Moon, paving the way for the next generation of space explorers.
Reid Wiseman, Victor Glover, Christina Hammock Koch, and Jeremy Hansen are the first astronauts to be selected for the NASA Artemis missions and have the privilege to fly to the Moon for all humanity as part of the Artemis II mission in 2024.
The crew’s resumes are something to behold as well – from engineers to fighter pilots, these astronauts have the stellar experience and expertise to lead the exploration of our solar system.
From the Earth to the Moon and beyond, SLS is the vehicle that will take human spaceflight into the next generation of deep space exploration.

Solar storm slams into Earth and sparks stunning auroras
 <https://r.smartbrief.com/resp/qIpnCKojllDwbjlQCifPauBWcNfqJr?format=multipart>My dream is to see this in person...
(Landon Moeller)
Skywatchers around the world were treated to dazzling aurora borealis displays that reached as far south as Colorado and New Mexico. Full Story: Space <https://r.smartbrief.com/resp/qIpnCKojllDwbjlQCifPauBWcNfqJr?format=multipart> (4/24) 

NASA’s Quesst: Reassessing a 50-Year Supersonic Speed Limit
NASA’s X-59, seen in this illustration, is designed to fly faster than sound but generate quieter sonic “thumps” rather than booms. To test the public’s perception of this noise, part of the Quesst plan includes flying the X-59 over several communities to survey how people react.
Credits: Lockheed Martin
Fifty years ago, the federal government banned all civilian supersonic flights over land.

The rule prohibits non-military aircraft from flying faster than sound so their resulting sonic booms won’t startle the public below or concern them about potential property damage.

Officially put into effect on April 27, 1973, the ban’s introduction was strongly influenced by public opinion surveys in cities where supersonic military jets were flown overhead, and many folks said they didn’t like what they heard or the way their windows rattled because of the sonic booms.

Although some research suggested ways to soften the impact of sonic booms, aeronautical technology during the 1960s and early 1970s wasn’t sophisticated enough to fully solve the problem in time to prevent the rule from being enacted.

But today, NASA is working on a solution.

“It’s a rule that many people today aren’t aware of, yet it’s at the heart of what our Quesst mission <https://www.nasa.gov/X59> with its quiet supersonic X-59 <https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/lowboom/vehicle> airplane is all about,” said Peter Coen, NASA’s Quesst mission integration manager.

NASA’s X-59 is designed to fly faster than sound, but with drastically reduced noise – people below would hear sonic “thumps” rather than booms, if they hear anything at all. To test the public’s perception of this noise, part of the Quesst plan includes flying the X-59 over several communities to survey how people react.

NASA will deliver the results to U.S. and international regulators, who will consider new rules that would lift the ban that has been in place for so long. The goal is for a regulatory shift that focuses on the sound an aircraft creates, instead of a speed limit.

“We’re definitely ready to write a new chapter in the history of supersonic flight, making air travel over land twice as fast, but in a way that is safe, sustainable, and so much quieter than before,” Coen said.

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